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  • Earn Above-Average Savings Interest
  • Nationwide Access at Thousands of Locations
  • No Maintenance or Service Fees
How do I Open a Savings Account?

When you become a member of the credit union, you are opening up a savings account.You can start your membership by submitting a membership application, a copy of your drivers license and an initial deposit.

If you are already a member of the credit union, you already have a savings account with us! You can choose to open a separate account if you would like to.

Can I have more than one Savings Account?

Yes. You can either choose to open a separate account (with a separate member number) or you can open a sub-account. Some of our members wish to have separate accounts rather than sub-accounts. This helps them choose specific joint owners, or beneficiaries for those separate accounts.

Some of our members find that having sub-accounts is easier to manage, since the accounts all fall under one membership, or member number.

We are happy to help you save, in whatever way is best for you!

Are my Deposits Insured?

Yes! Your funds are insured through the NCUA (National Credit Union Administration). This administration insures your funds similar to how the FDIC insures funds deposited at a Bank. Individual Owners are insured up to $250,000.00. Having Joint Owners and/or beneficiaries on your account increases how much of your funds are insured.

For more information contact us, or visit www.NCUA.gov.

What is a Money Market Account?

A money market account is a high yield savings account with some checking account features. Our money market accounts can have checks issued, allowing you to make up to 6 check withdrawals or payments from your account each month. Members must maintain a balance of $25,000 dollars in their money market account to get the advertised interest rate.

To open a Money Market Account, you can simply request it on the membership application (for new members) or the membership change form (for existing members).